Whittier Law School

Alumni Association

Welcome to the Whittier Law School Alumni Association! Our community continues to support our mission by keeping connected, elevating our profession with professional development opportunities, and advocating for our alumni who completed their law degree through Whittier Law School. Former Whittier Law School students are invited to connect with other attorneys by getting involved in our events, participating on our board of directors, and keeping a referral network through our alumni association.

Thank you to our sponsors!

Upcoming Events

purpose of WLSAA

The purpose of Whittier Law School Alumni Association (“WLSAA”) is to provide educational, networking, professional development, and scholarship or loan repayment opportunities to past students. In addition, WLSAA fosters a network between alumni and the legal and business communities; initiate programs and activities to support the alumni; and raise money to further these stated goals and purposes.

About the Alumni Association

Whittier Law School was founded in 1966 as Beverly Law School to provide an intensive legal education program, especially for women and older students. In 1975, Beverly Law School joined Whittier College, a nationally recognized liberal arts college, forming Whittier College School of Law. The American Bar Association awarded accreditation in 1978, followed by admittance to the Association of American Law Schools in 1987. In 1997, Whittier Law School moved to Costa Mesa and on April 24, 1998, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony M. Kennedy formally dedicated the campus.

 In April 2017, the Whittier College Board of Trustees announced its decision to cease recruitment and enrollment operations. Whittier Law School ceased all operations in July 2020. Whittier Law School’s 4,500 graduates, living in 48 states and 14 countries, continue to form an important part of the larger Whittier College community.